Sunday, July 6, 2008

Project description July 10 to 27, 2008 at Triple Base

Collaboration piece that exist in the context of "Open for Business" a Triple Base Show. (
July 10 – July 27, 200
Marketplace Hours: Thursday & Friday: 5-8pm, Saturday & Sunday 12-5pm July 17-20

Decorate a blind Man's house is a collaboration with Jorge [Gor-ge]. Jorge contracted MS a few years ago. Since then, he is losing some leg abilities, and his eye sight. Jorge can no longer work and lives off a low disability check. Without sight, it's almost imposable for Jorge to get furniture (no driving) and even see what his house looks like.

For this Triple Base group show, i propose to focus on helping Jorge redecorate his apartment. He can still see colors and shapes. This project is with your help about grass root support, recycling of household items and thinking about "decoration" from a blind perspective. In the gallery i will be sewing curtains, painting furniture, upholstering or any other activity depending on object i can get donated. I will be happy to discuss social security issues, and tell you how good we have it in France.

Jorge's wish list to makenhis place to be hospitable
-maybe take his mattress of the crates
-a small couch,
-a big coffee table,
-paint on his walls,
-new shower curtains
-a rug...
-kitchen table, chairs

If you have any of those items or have time to paint walls or other, please contact me (Suzanne) at 415 317 7870,

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