Thursday, July 24, 2008

how youssss?

So how do we begin here ?
ah with a simple
how do you do my friend ?
munchiii munch munch munch
so i am jorge "george the blind man"
the one that the Husky has been having to deal with
she paints my place and i point out spots she has .......
i sit and heckle her
sad little man i am

So my place is the project
brief description of it
{though i do believe there are photos of my place on this blog}


so my place had taken on a gloominess that has been there for far too long....
yes that be the truth asit was
yes yes
so my place had the feeling of having a hex
gloom and doom
evil little fairies had taken over the place
to the point that i didnt even feel comfortable here in my own home
my friend so i began to think
it was time to make my place hex free and much much more welcoming at least to myself.
you know what i mean

first step i thought curtains
yes curtains my friend
god i'ld kill for cigarette right now
god damn monsters urges
so where were we curtains?
so what did i have was sheets and old dusty falling apart blinds
to cover up my windows
let us just say not as nice as the curtains that husky done did
so how did come to husky taking on the task of making my place much more welcoming
well to tell you the truth i dont know
i knew she was good with a needle and thread
so i asked her if she would help me go to a thrift shop to pick out some fabric or curtains and see if she could make them look cool
she the husk-a-doo said yes but she might have a better idea
which was so true
well my friends i will continue again soon
but for now nicotine tobacco is in need now
need my fix pal
how bout you whats a your vice ??
we all got one
anyway the call of tobacco
its a sickness my friend
i'sss gotta run

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